
Here are some popular posts I've written to show fun, hands on ways to teach the following math concepts:
Number Sense
Place Value
Telling Time
Adding 3 Numbers
Fact Fluency
Making 10 to Add
Halloween Math
Composing Shapes
Graphing and Data Analysis

I also have a post of math teaching tricks!

I also have a page of my Digital Math Games organized by concept :)

To see a list of ALL my posts:
Miss Giraffe Blog Post Index

I believe that for math instruction to be effective, it needs to be FUN, differentiated, and targeted.

My math units have been extremely popular (I feel so blessed!) on TpT because they provide all of those components. They are differentiated and filled with fun math stations and activities.

Each unit is typically 4-5 concepts and each concept has: "I Can" and "Students will be able to" posters, differentiated worksheets in 3 levels (below level, on level, and advanced level), at least 1 math station (including all materials, recording sheet(s), teacher directions, and kid-friendly student directions), and at least 1 cut and paste activity.

I plan on writing a blog post about each as I go as well so, like I said, keep checking back!

                           First Grade Math Unit 1                           First Grade Math Unit 2  
          Read the blog post about it HERE!        In Spanish: Sentido númerico parte 2          
                       In Spanish: Sentido númerico

First Grade Math Unit 3                           First Grade Math Unit 4 

First Grade Math Unit 5                           First Grade Math Unit 6 

                            First Grade Math Unit 7                           First Grade Math Unit 8

Read the blog post about this unit HERE!!!
In Spanish: Valor posicional

You can save a BUNCH by getting First Grade Math Units 1-9 in a huge bundle!
Click HERE to check them out! 

I also have a bundle for Units 10-18!
You can get that bundle {HERE}!

First Grade Math Unit 10                              First Grade Math Unit 11
           Read my posts about it HERE & HERE!            In Spanish: Comparando números
                  In Spanish: Fluidez de operaciones

First Grade Math Unit 12                              First Grade Math Unit 13
                   Read the blog post about it HERE!             In Spanish: Sumar y restar números
                    In Spanish: Sumando 3 números                                  con 2 dígitos

   1st grade telling time worksheets games and activities that are so much fun and differentiated for first grade including time to the hour, time to the half hour, and concepts of time
                            First Grade Math Unit 14                            First Grade Math Unit 1
            In Spanish: Medidas estándar y no estándar        Read the blog post about it HERE!
                                                                      In Spanish: ¿Qué hora es?

1st grade graphing and data analysis worksheets games and activities that are so much fun and differentiated for first grade including bar graphs, tally charts, picture graphs, pie charts, and concepts of graphing
First Grade Math Unit 16                           First Grade Math Unit 17
                  Read the blog post about it HERE!           In Spanish: Las figuras geométricas

Fractions worksheets games and activities that are so much fun and differentiated for first grade
Read the blog post about it HERE!

I also have a big money unit now as well!

HUGE money unit with so many money and counting coins activities worksheets and games
Read the blog post about it HERE!

This is also available for other countries' currencies:
UK coins money unit with so many money and counting coins activities for GBP coins  Australian coins money unit with so many money and counting coins activities for Australian coins
                            UK Coins Money Unit                            Australian Coins Money Unit

Canadian coins money unit with so many money and counting coins activities for Canadian coins

I am now also working on 2nd grade math units! So far I have:

In Spanish: Multiplicación


Miss Mona said...

I am fascinated with your blog in general and especially the first grade math part. I love math now--but didn't when I was in school! Your games and centers could really inspire a love of math right from the start, and isn't that better? I think so!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing all these great ideas! I am trying to revamp my math centers to be more productive (for lack of a better word). Your ideas for each domain is so helpful!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to know- is there a blog post that tells how you store your math games- when in use and when not working on the unit? I struggle with this!

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